Sunday, May 27, 2012

Just Pin It!

It's official...I'm addicted to Pinterest. For months I heard about this "virtual bulletin board" and thought to myself, "That's lame, why are people so crazy about this?" Okay, so really I was thinking, "Don't let yourself get on that, you know you'll get addicted in a snap." I can't explain what it is, but whoever invented this sharing of images is a freakin genius. For those of you who don't yet pin, let me give you just a few reasons why you should jump on the bandwagon.

1. The web has become an overwhelming source of information. Even using Google can give you 942 ways to prepare an artichoke. On Pinterest, you just type in what you want and voila! Take your pick!
2. People are amazing. Seriously, the creative juices that exist in our world are vastly untapped. I may not be able to come up with a clever way to decorate cupcakes, but I sure can copy someone else.
3. I admit that sometimes I'm lazy and I don't want to read. We'll call that "visual learning" for the sake of my name. On Pinterest, you pick what you want to pin based off of how it looks. I'll analyze the recipe or list of supplies later, right now I can just pin it and save it for a later date.
4. Pinterest prepares you for your future. For example, I don't have a garden, but when I do, it will contain hanging planters (see my pinboard). I'm not married, but I know exactly what my flower arrangements will look like (don't tell my boyfriend). It's not yet Christmas, but I know what handmade gift you are all getting (and yes, they all come in mason jars). Who can honestly say that they don't need something to help them plan ahead?

In summary, if you haven't tried it, I highly recommend it. Just make sure you join on a day you have a lot of time so you can pin your little heart out!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Quit your Freeloading!

I’ve decided that I’m really fed up with freeloaders. To some this may seem like a pretty obvious statement, because really, who likes a freeloader? But the more I look around me, the more I see these freeloaders roaming in every nook of my life. Specifically I can think of three groups of freeloaders.

1.       Freeloaders that you work with- Did you know that everyone that you work with is busier than you are? And that they couldn’t possibly help you out with anything because they are very important? Yes, it is true.  Now I know I can be one of those “It’s Easier to do it Myself” type of people, however I’ve been trying to give myself a bit of relief by asking for help and dividing up tasks.  With your great coworkers this works out quite nicely, you know like you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours. However with others, you’ll always be disappointed. To them I say, that’s fine, I won’t ever help you again. And also, I dare you to take credit for my work…seriously.
2.       Freeloaders in your community- I was recently at a fundraising meeting where people were being asked to host a fundraising event. Alright, who would like to volunteer? (Insert crickets). No one. Okay then, so you want the benefits from the fundraising, but you would like to have no part in actually participating…right, you must be one of those “busy people” too. 
3.       Friends that are freeloaders- Now this is a tricky one because for some friends, you’re willing to let them do a little freeloading because they are your friends and you love them. However, there are some that just take. In fact you could call them a vacuum because all they do is suck things from you.  They want you to cook for them, they want you to host people for that big game, they want you to drop everything to do them a favor, they want you to pick them up at the airport, and they want you to help them move.  However whenever you ask them for help, they magically can’t seem to answer their phone. FYI- we know that you keep your phone with you at all times as if it were another appendage, so we know you got the call beeyatch. Let’s be honest, if a friend is a freeloader, they’re not really a friend at all.

While I can’t change that there are freeloaders in this world, because we all know that some people just live their lives like this, what I can take from this realization is that now I know what I don’t want be like. So freeloaders of the world, get off your butts and do something! (And also, I'm not saying that you revolve around my blog, but I bet now you can't stop wondering if I'm talking about you. hee hee)

Sunday, May 6, 2012

What a Tool

I apologize for my lack of blogging lately. My move is officially over and the fun of unpacking is upon me. While unpacking and decorating my new space, I’m reminded of my life long battle with power tools. You see, I was banned from using tools during high school when I took my stereo apart. I was merely trying to get a CD out, but what ended up happening was an expensive piece of audio equipment being dissected into a disarray of screws and miscellaneous metal parts. My parents were less than pleased. At least now I can’t find a way to use power tools to take apart my iPod.

My boyfriend has also experienced my lack of tool knowledge. We decided it would be fun to build bookcases for his basement in the form of a race aka who can build their shelves the fastest. This turned into me accidentally building my bookcase backwards and him having to completely take it apart…including the locking screws (or whatever). Apparently I had gotten a little excited with the drill and was no longer allowed to be a part of the building process. He’s no fun at all.

This week I again had to relive my battle with tools. I went into it thinking “I am woman, hear me roar” which of course led me to drop a hammer on my toe…yes, it drew blood. Then I thought I would install some curtains. I watched multiple videos online and read through directions as well. Again, I do not believe in needing a man for these types of things. Well, four bent wall anchors later and a pretty big hole, and my curtains are still on the ground. Will I be forever cursed to not know how to use these damn tools? I hope not, because frankly, it’s really bright in the morning. Also, I’m currently accepting help from anyone who knows how to do this shit.