10. On a field trip to the park, student looks at me and says, "Ms. V, nature is so sooving don't you think? You know, like calm." Then he whips out his TMNT toy.
9. A student wore a presidential candidate's shirt to school during election season. Another student walked up to them and said, "Just so you know, ________ is a liar." I bet you can't guess which candidate :)
8. Student: "You know Ms. V, you really are the best teacher in the school." Me: "Why do you say that?" Student: "Well because your name has a V in it and you told all the other teachers to make a music video."
7. Me: "Do you think you could help this student out? They are really going to need your support and I know you can do it because you are so kind." Student: "Well, I guess they are pretty obedient so I can get them to do what I want."
6. Student: "Ms. V., why do you like Tulowitzki so much?" Other student: "Hello! Have you seen him!?" Student: "So you're saying he is good looking?" Me and other student: "Yes."
5. While asking students to estimate the answer of a multiplication problem, I asked a student how they got their estimate. Student: "Well I know my estimate is correct because, well I don't know about these people,(points to his classmates) but I actually know how to multiply."
4. Student: "Ms. V., my parents think you are really weird." Me: "What? Why?" Student: "Well I told them about how you're always singing to us and dancing around the classroom." Me: "Maybe you shouldn't tell your parents everything that we do in class..."
3. I gave a student the "I'm disappointed" talk because he had forgotten his homework yet again. He wrote me the following in a letter: "I have never been so sorry in my life. I could just cry right now. I'll try so much harder next time, I'm gonna be on a roll. I'm so super sorry, I would go across across the world for my work."
2. Student: "Ms. V, would you like a coupon for a free donut?" Me: "No thanks, I'm good. Why?" Student: "Well, you're always talking about food, so I thought you'd like one." Okay, this one still makes me laugh.
1. When we study the history of Colorado, we study the mountain men. This is always a very entertaining unit as you talk about the importance of the beaver. My students took it to a whole new level this year when a group of boys couldn't stop talking about how much they loved beaver. It culminated with them chanting, "Beaver! Beaver! Beaver!" while throwing their fists in the air. If they only knew...