Hey, it's okay...
- to take pictures of your feet just to prove that you were somewhere.
- to consider a veggie burger as a vegetable serving.
- to judge people who don't send thank you cards. It's common decency people.
- to scoff at people who still don't recycle. Global warming is real my friends, the jig is up. So do your part.
- to consider shopping exercise. Old people can walk around malls, so why can't you? Plus you have all those bags to carry...
- to secretly hate those women at the gym who work out in only their sports bras. We already know you're fit, we don't need your abs to reinforce this on us as we are dying on the treadmill.
- to call your mom to see what type of meat you need to make that pot roast.
- to stand up for yourself and say what you want. This is especially true when talking to your hairdresser, the person doing your pedicure, your auto mechanic, and your boyfriend.
- to know every song from the Lion King and to sing along, most especially to the beginning of the Circle of Life.
- to base your travels on things you collect. In my case this means taking pictures at the state line, getting stamps in my National Park passport, and buying city Starbucks mugs.
- to think that your family is simply the best family in the world.
- to ask for your Shirley Temple shaken not stirred.

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