Well, according to my blogger statistics all of you enjoy reading about my breakup. Nice. Actually I have a new motto, and that is, no judging. So I guess, thanks for reading :) I'd be lying if I said I wasn't guilty of a little online "checking in" myself.
At any rate, the topic of today's blog is living the single life. This whole new life that I've given myself seems to be a bit more difficult to adjust to then originally thought. So what is it that one does during this single time? I myself got the unpleasant surprise that it is in fact nothing like how Carrie Bradshaw and her single friends do it in all of the Sex and the City episodes. Or maybe I just need to get better shoes to strut around in with my ladies...HA, we know that's not true. But honestly, for a person who runs in circles all day, meeting the demands of 26 students for a job, it's really hard to adjust and think about my needs. I've got the basics covered ie: mani/pedi, gym time, spend time baking, and read books- but at some point my staff is bound to get tired of my weekly baked goods and my body is going to reach a breaking point as it nears the record for days worked out in a row. As I sat in my apartment this weekend, I couldn't help but wonder (subtle Carrie reference), what does everyone do with their single time?
I guess what I've come to conclude is that I can no longer rely on other people to bring me my sole happiness, and I have to find it in myself. That's pretty deep for my flippant blog, I know. I hate feeling like my friends are babysitting me, like, "Hey, whose turn is it to hang out with her so she doesn't mope tonight?" Everyone else has their families, husbands, and boyfriends to occupy them, and that's the way it should be, (which might I add, where the hell did all of the single people go? It used to be everyone and now it feels like it's just me!). My new plan is to try new things and rekindle my interests. I'm hoping that means a new place to call home and maybe even a new job, but I just have to keep an open mind and remember that a. I will not die alone b. Everyone has a someone, and mine is out their waiting, and c. This may be the only time I have to be selfish, so I'm going to take it. Now someone better remind me of this when I get sad and go to the dark place that we shall call "worry-land".
I would like to conclude by just taking a second to thank those of you who have listened and made me smile. You all help me in more ways that you'll ever know. And now, at the risk of further sounding like a high school yearbook entry, I am done.
Great post. I am proud of how much you have done and how you have such a good attitude, even when its not easy. Thanks for helping me so much last night. You are the best.