Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Red Light Camera Mayhem

I feel like all of these new dangfangled traffic contraptions are really a hindrance to our transportation system. You know what I’m talking about, the red light cameras that flash you for going a centimeter over the white line, or the van that sits not so invisibly in the construction zone-they  seem to be causing more issues than benefiting us drivers.

My argument against the red light cameras is that they always seem to flash when you’re not actually running the light and you stopped a bit close, but let the car that full on blows through the light through with no problem. How is this diplomatic?  We all sit before the light, watching the crosswalk sign countdown…5 (Can I make it?), 4 (Hurry up stupid cars!), 3 (I think I can gun it), 2 (shit can’t make it, slam on breaks), 1 (Stop honking behind me, would you want a ticket?) This type of behavior just encourages people to speed through the yellow and/ or rear end the car in front of them. I think I’d rather stand on the corner and take pictures of the people that block intersections when the light changes and then look at you like “You’re actually in MY way.” Pffff.

As for those speed trap vans, I feel like they’re always sitting in the places where no one ever drives that speed  because there isn’t an actual sign indicating what the speed requirement is. What usually happens is you are driving along, and then you see a long line of red lights turning on because everyone has suddenly spotted the van and is pretending that they were going the correct speed the whole time. This action, again, causes people to get rear ended or a major traffic jam because everyone’s all of the sudden being slow. Riddle me this- how is it that our transportation system benefits from a traffic jam?

So until someone can convince me that these new technological advances in our transportation system are greatly benefiting our roads, I say down with these contraptions!

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