Thursday, October 8, 2015

'Twas the Night Before the Playoffs

 'Twas the night before the playoffs, when all through the house
Not a creature was sleeping, not even a mouse;
The t-shirts were stacked by the dresser with care,
In hopes that a Dodger victory soon would be there;
The rally rags were nestled all snug by the beds;
While visions of grand slams danced in our heads;
And me reading statistics, and dad in his cap,
We're all settled in for an October long wrap,
When out on the fields there arose such a clatter,
The crew was alert and attending to each matter. 
Away to Los Angeles we flew like a flash,
Tore open our gear to the stadium in a dash.
The moon on the eve of a season with snow,
Only a few mores innings and games left to go.
When what to our wondering eyes should appear,
But nine men in blue having eyes without fear,
With a little luck and bats that are quick,
They knew the World Series would be their pick.
More rapid than eagles Kershaw's pitches came,
And we whistled, and shouted, and called them by name:
"Now, Grienke! now, Ethier! now A-Gon and Puig!
On, Ellis! on, Rollins! you're first in the league!
To the top of the standings! to the top of the wall!
One strike! Now two strikes! Three strikes to them all!"
So up to the bleachers the balls, they flew,
With bats full of might and good defense too—
And then, in an instant, the crowd raised the roof,
The prancing of opposing fans held aloof.
The players, they ran, light on their foot,
Their uniforms all tarnished with grasses and soot;
Our season of baseball has lasted 'til fall, it is merry!
Though the bullpen we'll admit is really quite scary!
We're anxiously awaiting a new trophy on the shelf,
A victory for my dad, I think to myself;
A restless night as thoughts race through my head
Waiting another season is what we all dread;
And crossing our fingers as the first pitch is thrown,
Wishing and hoping our lead won't be blown.
Vin Scully is shouting, and gave a loud whistle,
Hooray they all cheered through a field full of thistle.
Then I heard him exclaim, ere he announced at the sight—  
“Happy Playoffs to all, and to all a good night!”

1 comment:

  1. Love the part about you calling out the players' names and the mention of our AWFUL bullpen! It's so true.

