Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Another dimension...

I’ve been hearing a student of mine discuss his excitement for the new Star Wars 3D movie for about a week now. Each day he updates me of the countdown and how he is so excited to go with his dad to see his very favorite movies in 3D. Naturally, after the weekend I asked him how it was to experience Darth’s light saber come flying at your head. My student very matter-of-factly told me that “The movie was lame. Nothing flew at your head because these movies were not intended to have footage shot for a 3D experience.” Yes, I know, what a smart little guy, I am his teacher you know… At any rate, I thought this fellow brought up a great point. Why is it that every new movie that comes out has to be in 3D? I think that 3D movies are often overrated for the following reasons:
1.       They cost more…movies already are getting to be outrageously priced. Don’t most of us just microwave some Jiffy Pop and wait for it on Netflix?
2.       Things don’t fly at you as often as they used to. Case in point- Toy Story 3. Buzz already looks pretty 3D to me, and nothing flew at me, so why do I have to wear these glasses for 2 hours?
3.       The glasses never fit your head. I mean really, does anyone feel that they can clearly see with ease when they wear them? The only fun thing about the glasses is when you’re in the theatre’s lobby you walk around with your arms outstretched saying “Wow, it’s like we’re in 3D!” Gets a great reaction every time.
4.       The latest commercial I saw was for a 3D movie with all these old, hulky men including Rocky Stalone, Arnold the Cheater, and Nicholas I’ve Lost My Mind Cage. Who wants to see that in 2D let alone another dimension?
5.       Finally, we live in 3D. Why would I want to see something that I live in?

Now don’t get me wrong, I am super pumped to see Titanic is hitting the big screen again in 3D, but that’s different because Leo’s in it. My advice for Hollywood still remains that we want to see good movies, and 3D doesn’t always mean good.

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